Well, not to oversimplify, but ... it's pretty much exactly that. It's a concert. At our house. And, since it's at our house, it's a private, by-invitation event, intended for our friends & invited guests. It's not a business, and we don't charge "admission". We do ask, however, that guests make a voluntary contribution (the suggested amount may vary from one concert to another, and will always be included on our website in and your concert invitation). 100% of your contribution goes to the artist.
What style of music will I hear?
Mostly Americana (aka "roots") or blues music. Mostly, though not always, acoustic. We fell in love with dozens of the Americana & blues artists we heard in Austin. Most of the shows we host will feature artists from central Texas, or possibly from Nashville. These artists perform nationally and internationally, and our hope is to schedule them as they pass through our area, to share their music with us. If you're not sure what style of music this is, check out some of the artists / websites on our LINKS page.
How much are tickets?
Admission is free. Since this is not a business, we don't sell tickets. We do, however, ask that guests make a voluntary artist contribution. These requested artist contributions may vary from one concert to another, but they will always be listed on our website and in your concert invitation. Contributions are voluntary, how much you donate is up to you, and 100% of your contributions always go to the artist.
How do I get invited?
Pretty simple. To receive notifications of upcoming concerts, you'll need to be on our mailing list. To get on our mailing list, click on the Contact Us page above and send us a message requesting to be added to our mailing list. From that point on, you'll receive emails notifying you about our upcoming concerts.
Of course. Only the person requesting seats for the concert must be on our mailing list. We encourage you to bring friends & neighbors, and we'll encourage them to join our mail list once they've enjoyed one of our concerts. (Please read over our HOUSE RULES and ATTENDING ONE OF OUR CONCERTS before inviting friends.)
Can I bring my kids (or grandkids)?
That depends. Unless designated All Ages Welcome, concerts are for adults (not because of the content, but so that the adults who attend can enjoy the music). Occasionally, we will list a concert as All Ages Welcome. In these cases, kids are welcome, but subject to a few guidelines. Click here for details.
How long will the concerts be?
That depends on the artist, but in-person house concerts will typically last about 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Sometimes the artist will perform two ~45-minute sets with a 20-30 minute intermission in between, and sometimes the artist will perform just one longer set. But you can assume the concert will be wrapping up between 9:00pm - 9:30pm.
Can I shoot pictures or video?
Photos are fine, as long as you don't use a flash (that would be a distraction for both the artist and our other guests). Videos will only be allowed if you have obtained permission from the artists. Most of the time, we have already asked the artist and we'll let you know before the concert. If we forget to mention it, better safe than sorry - ask us or check with the artist yourself.
What about food & drink?
We provide a few light snacks & beverages, and encourage our guests to bring a snack, hors d'oeuvres, or a beverage to share with everyone (nothing stronger than beer or wine, please). Don't feel obligated to bring anything, but you're welcome to if you're so inclined.