We recently asked 300+ members of our email list - those who live close enough to drive to our home to attend a concert in person - to give us some feedback on 1) our current COVID protections, 2) our temporarily increased suggested artist contribution because of those COVID restrictions, and 3) where house concerts are in their lives today.
89 of you responded, and 42 of respondents took the time to send us the "free form" comments we requested. It's all incredibly useful, and we thank you all for responding.
Across the board, we were reassured by the results, so our COVID precautions will remain in place for the foreseeable future. We will, however, be clarifying our suggested artist contribution. Read on for details.
Our takeaway:
Nearly 80% (71/89) of respondents are comfortable with the COVID precautions we're taking now (click here for details). That's reassuring to us - we will continue with these precautions for the foreseeable future.
11% (10/89) just aren't comfortable coming to events in public indoor settings right now, while another 9% (8/89) view our COVID precautions as unnecessary and overly restrictive. To these two groups - we understand and respect your thinking, and we all look forward to the day when you'll feel comfortable coming to a concert at MCC ... when we can all just gather again as friends and enjoy some great live music, without thinking about all of this.
Our takeaway:
While 82% (73/89) of respondents are ok with our increased suggested artist donation, 17% (15/89) said the increase may prevent them from attending a concert.
We realize now that we haven’t been clear enough about the suggested artist contribution.
In our early days, we would include the phrase “or whatever you can afford”, or “or whatever you feel is appropriate” when we defined a suggested artist contribution. Somewhere along the way we stopped saying that, and we’re going to fix that immediately.
Artist contributions are voluntary - we put out a suggested / requested contribution level, but it’s up to every guest to decide for themselves. We just ask that folks make their donation in the spirit of our concert series - to gather for an evening of great music and friendship, and to help these talented artists earn a good living doing what they love.
Our takeaway:
Lots going on in everyone's lives. We love hosting these concerts in our home and look forward to seeing you all here one of these days. Not all at the same time. Wearing a mask for now, but someday without masks & grinning ear to ear. (insert fingers crossed emoji)